Ask Chewie Pug Life

Ask Chewie

Many moons ago, there was a dog named Chewie who ran a very snortful blog called Ask Chewie. He also answers reader questions and told fortunes. With thousands of fans in a time before being an influencer was a job, Ask Chewie was a force.

It’s hard to let the pugs loose on a new blog for so many reasons—none so much as the real grief that even momentary thoughts of Chewie and Le Mops still conjure. Blogging was their thing. Lola was never that interested.

With all of that said, we don’t know what this space will hold. A celebration of pug life. Daily musings. Ridiculous ramblings about Pug Haus. Pleas for cheese. Only time will tell. Until then thanks for stopping by and don’t forget a towel. 


Lola, Lenore, Lulu, Patty Labelle, and Mama

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